Hopkins Aesthetic & Reconstructive Dentistry is now Bayshore Family Dental.

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1952 Bayshore Blvd, Dunedin, FL 34698

Teeth Straightening Solution in Dunedin

Getting straighter teeth isn’t what it used to be. Clear teeth aligners straighten teeth without the hassle of metal wires and are virtually invisible. At Bayshore Family Dental, we’re proud to provide Invisalign® as our preferred option for patients. Experience a modern solution to teeth straightening with a team that puts your needs first.

What is Invisalign®?

Invisalign® Clear Aligners are custom-fitted trays that are worn over the teeth. The trays are made from a flexible, clear plastic. They work by applying gentle pressure to the teeth to gradually shift them into position. Aligners should be worn at least 22 hours a day to be most effective. How long Invisalign® takes to fully straighten teeth is unique to each patient, but most cases take between 12-18 months.

Am I a Good Candidate for Invisalign®?

An invisible alternative to braces is an exciting option, but it may not be the right solution for everybody. The best candidates for Invisalign® have good oral health habits and history. People with extensive restorative work, such as dental implants or dental bridges, or TMJ/TMD disorders may not be suitable for Invisalign. Additionally, certain types of bites and crowding may require a different treatment.

The best way to get a clearer picture is to meet with our Bayshore Family Dental team for an evaluation. Our dentists can assess your teeth and oral health history to see if Invisalign® is right for you.

Benefits of Invisalign® Clear Aligners

When placing Invisalign® vs braces head-to-head, clear aligners provide plenty of reasons to be the preferred choice:

  • Virtually invisible: Unlike metal braces, Invisalign® aligners are practically invisible while you’re wearing them.
  • Easier oral hygiene: Orthodontic appliances can make it difficult to properly care for your teeth and gums. With Invisalign®, you can remove the aligners to brush and floss as normal.
  • Comfortable: Thanks to the smooth plastic design, Invisalign® won’t cause any discomfort or pain.
  • Shorter treatment time: Traditional braces can take up to two years to completely realign your teeth. With Invisalign®, you could have beautiful straight teeth in a shorter time.
  • No dietary restrictions: Some foods can get stuck between the wires of metal braces. Since Invisalign® is removable, you can enjoy any and all cravings freely. 
  • Fewer dental visits: Without the need to regularly tighten metal braces, Invisalign® doesn’t require frequent trips back to the dentist.

A Straighter Smile with Invisalign® at Bayshore Family Dental

Invisalign® has a long-standing reputation as the best clear aligners available for a reason. With nearly two decades of technology and countless straight smiles under their belt, it’s time to see what they can do for you. Schedule an appointment with us at Bayshore Family Dental and start the path towards straighter teeth today.

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