Hopkins Aesthetic & Reconstructive Dentistry is now Bayshore Family Dental.

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1952 Bayshore Blvd, Dunedin, FL 34698

Dunedin Teeth Whitening

Bright, white teeth are something worth smiling about. A professional teeth whitening makes a drastic difference in the color of your teeth in as little as an hour. You’ll feel fresher, more confident, and ready to show off your pearly teeth with pride. 

Is Teeth Whitening Right For Me?

Teeth whitening is a quick, effective treatment to remove surface level and deeper stains to the teeth caused by diet, poor oral hygiene habits, or aging. If you’re looking to lift stains and rejuvenate your smile, a professional teeth whitening can give you noticeable results in a single visit.

Not every set of teeth respond the same way to teeth whitening treatments. At Bayshore Family Dental, we’ll perform a full consultation of your teeth to make sure you receive the best teeth whitening treatment for your needs. If discoloration is a result of an underlying issue, it’s beneficial to treat these problems first before continuing with cosmetic solutions.

What to expect

Teeth whitening can typically be done in a single one-hour long session. Our preferred method is Zoom whitening. This dental-grade whitening gel uses a proprietary chemical combination to safely and effectively whiten teeth and strengthen the enamel against sensitivity. 

After a quick examination to ensure you’re a fitting candidate, we’ll apply a protective gel barrier to your lips and gums. The Zoom whitening gel is then applied to the surface of the teeth and given 15 minutes to activate with help of the Zoom light. During this time, you can relax with some music or watch TV while the gel goes to work. Once the gel is rinsed, we’ll recommend at-home whitening trays to further maintain your white smile and you’re out the door in an hour.

Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening

Over-the-counter and at-home treatments are available everywhere now. Although it might be tempting to make a quick go at DIY whitening kits, the results don’t come close to professional whitening. Here’s why a professional teeth whitening is worth the investment:

  • More effective: Dental-grade products are used that remove more than just surface-level stains. They also bring immediate results instead of weeks or months of at-home treatments.
  • Longer Lasting: Deeper, more substantial whitening will give you longer lasting results with less recurrent treatments.
  • Safer: A professional hygienist will properly use whitening products to protect your gums and teeth from suffering extra sensitivity after treatment.

Maintaining Your Treatment

To keep your teeth and gums in tip-top shape, we recommend visiting us for a routine cleaning and checkup every six months. In some cases, it may be necessary for more frequent visits and your dentist will be able to provide a treatment plan that suits your needs. At home, you can do your part by brushing your teeth for two minutes and flossing twice a day. A little care makes a dramatic difference for your long term oral health.

Schedule Your Next Cleaning With Bayshore Family Dental

At Bayshore Family Dental, we give your routine needs the serious care they deserve. In the end, no care is more important than preventative treatments that stop problems before they occur. Give your teeth the attention they need from a compassionate team, and contact us today to set up your next cleaning or checkup.

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