Hopkins Aesthetic & Reconstructive Dentistry is now Bayshore Family Dental.

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1952 Bayshore Blvd, Dunedin, FL 34698

Cleanings & Checkups

Regular cleanings and checkups with your dentist are small steps to take for major benefits to your oral health. At Bayshore Family Dental, we provide comprehensive dental cleanings that put your overall wellness first. From our compassionate team to our hospitable amenities, get the expert care you and your loved ones need for a fresh, healthy smile.

What Is Cleanings & Checkups?

Preventative care for your teeth is essential to their overall health. During your appointment, we’ll provide a visual examination and take digital x-rays for a comprehensive view of your teeth and gums. The dentist will look to identify early signs of tooth decay or gum disease so an early treatment plan is provided before they become more serious and costly. From there, you’ll receive a thorough cleaning from an experienced hygienist. We’ll offer guidance to better care for your teeth, design a treatment plan, and make sure you leave the office with a shining smile.

Fluoride Treatment

During a basic dental cleaning, we might suggest a fluoride treatment. Fluoride works by strengthening the hard, outer enamel on teeth against buildups of plaque that can cause tooth decay. Fluoride is especially beneficial for children to fortify their permanent teeth as they develop. If you’re experiencing cavities at least once a year or early signs of gum disease, a fluoride treatment may also be recommended.


For children, teenagers, and adults with previous fillings or cavities, sealants are an effective, painless way to fight off tooth decay. The deep grooves in the molars and premolars towards the back of the mouth can make a thorough cleaning through brushing difficult. Sealants are a thin protective barrier that’s applied to these teeth to prevent food and bacteria from delving into these grooves. They’re a cost-effective and safe method for maintaining your healthy smile.

Oral Cancer Screenings

Catching early signs of oral cancer can be life-saving. Early detection of mouth and gum cancers results in more effective, cost-efficient treatment. During your dental checkup, we’ll provide a comprehensive oral cancer screening. Oral cancer symptoms include lip or mouth sores that don’t heal over time, loose teeth, and red or white patches on the lips or gums.

Maintaining Your Treatment

To keep your teeth and gums in tip-top shape, we recommend visiting us for a routine cleaning and checkup every six months. In some cases, it may be necessary for more frequent visits and your dentist will be able to provide a treatment plan that suits your needs. At home, you can do your part by brushing your teeth for two minutes and flossing twice a day. A little care makes a dramatic difference for your long term oral health.

Schedule Your Next Cleaning With Bayshore Family Dental

At Bayshore Family Dental, we give your routine needs the serious care they deserve. In the end, no care is more important than preventative treatments that stop problems before they occur. Give your teeth the attention they need from a compassionate team, and contact us today to set up your next cleaning or checkup.

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